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The Lily Foundation logo featuring a butterfly, hearts and an 'x' for a kiss

Fighting mito,
finding hope.


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14 April 2023

Your money matters for Lily’s newest recruit

As part of our mission to support families affected by mitochondrial disease, we believe that should cover financial support too. So we’re delighted to welcome our new Benefits Advisor, Chrissy, to the Lily team. We caught up with her to see how she’s planning to help mito patients and their families navigate the tricky topic of financial welfare.

Support Personal stories
30 March 2023

No one’s voice should go unheard

What would you do if you knew that one day you’d no longer be able to speak, talk to your family or chat with your friends? That’s the reality for mito patient Bal, whose voice is rapidly deteriorating, and who’s ready to spread the word about the positive effects of voice banking.

27 February 2023

Introducing our Lily Wish Fund

For 15 years now we’ve been providing much-needed support to sufferers of mitochondrial disease, their families and carers. There are lots of ways to make the lives of affected families easier and more enjoyable, but they can come at a price. And that’s why we’re delighted to launch the Lily Wish Fund.

Support Research
3 February 2023

"The one place we can be ourselves"

At the recent 49th British Paediatric Neurology Association conference in Edinburgh, we found ourselves one of just eight exhibitors invited to host a stand and display our work. What’s more, we were excited to discover that The Lily Foundation were the only charity selected to deliver an oral presentation at the event.