What is mitochondrial disease?
Mitochondrial disease is an inherited disorder that affects how mitochondria function in our cells.
Since 2007, we’ve been navigating the complexities of mitochondrial disease. We’re committed to learning more about the condition and working tirelessly towards finding treatments and, one day, a cure.
We’re dedicated to raising awareness about this rare condition that can impact any organ in anyone at any stage of life.
And we’re here to offer compassionate support and practical guidance for everyone affected.
Because no one should face mitochondrial disease alone.
Mitochondrial disease is an inherited disorder that affects how mitochondria function in our cells.
Do you have a question about mitochondrial disease? You’ll find the answer here.
Our A-Z of everything to do with mito will help you better understand this genetic condition.
Find out more about the most commonly diagnosed mitochondrial disease syndromes.
Guidance on which drugs are safe to take and which should be avoided if you suffer from mito.
We work together to support mitochondrial disease patients from diagnosis to symptoms and beyond.
Read the history of this pioneering reproductive option for mito patients championed by us.
Help us to get this comprehensive reference book all about mito into every GP surgery.
If you have any problems please email [email protected]